
AION GraphQL library is using Spring Boot framework to expose the API endpoint.

System Requirements:

Java 10.x and later

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or later, Mac OS

Aion Kernel Installed on a server

1. Setup from Binary

Download the latest release binary from GitHub repo.

$> unzip aion-graphql-dist-[version].zip


$> tar xvf aion-graphql-dist-[version].tar

Go to the extracted folder aion-graphql-dist-[version]

Update Config

Edit config/application.yml to provide aion kernel rpc host and port

example: tcp://x.x.x.x:8547

Start GraphQL server

From **aion-graphql-dist-[version] folder, execute the following command to start the server.

$> bin/aion-graphql

on Windows :


Note: Make sure you start the server inside aion-graphql-dist-[version] folder only. Starting server inside bin folder will not work.

2. Build from Source

git clone

$> ./gradlew clean build -x integrationTest

To run

$> rpc_endpoint=tcp://[kernel-host]:8547 ./gradlew bootRun

If you want to test GraphQL API on the browser, try the following url


After running the above command, GraphQL endpoint can be accessed through the following url from your application :


Last updated